General information
The publication of an article in the Ethnomousikologion Journal implies for the author that the article has not been published before and will not be submitted to another journal for publication.
The text of the article will be written in Romanian and English, according to the template, the author assuming responsibility for the originality of the content, translation and typesetting by signing a copyright protocol to be sent with the article.
Ca sugestie de lucru, cel mai simplu mod de a avea formatarea ideală este de a folosi fişierul şablon. Aceste fişiere conţin deja toate formatările cerute de noi.
Submitting manuscripts
Manuscripts should be sent electronically via this form. There is no charge for publishing in the journal. If the article has been translated by an authorized person, the name of the translator should be mentioned at the end of the article. Each article will be accompanied by a short biography of the author(s) (a max of 150 words) and a photo.
Deadlines for manuscript submissions: 1st of March - 1st of September.
Articles submitted for publication are initially evaluated by members of the editorial team, which checks that the material fits within the field, standards and research directions of the journal, that the format of the journal is respected, that the professional affiliation is mentioned, that the abstract is present, that keywords are included, and that a copyright notice is submitted with the article. The reviewers will then evaluate the article received without the author's name, according to the following criteria: scientific quality of the work; novelty of the topic proposed; relevance, impact and importance of the work; technical quality of the article; relevance of bibliographic sources; clarity, conciseness and accuracy of the text.
The reviewers' recommendations and the score assigned to the article are forwarded to the lead editor, and include one of the following decisions: accept the material for publication, ask the author to revise the article, reject the article.
Article template
Volumes of the Ethnomousikologion Journal can be accessed on the journal's website and at the library of the National Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" Cluj-Napoca.